Lokalise for Designers
December 5, 2023
9am EDT | 3pm CET
Join ‘Lokalise for Designers’ webinar to discover how you can effortlessly integrate localization into your product development processes. We are going to cover the main design-stage localization workflow and you will get insight into the best practices from our customer, Romain Dahan - a Product Manager at Florence.

Who: designers, developers or anyone who is working with design-stage localization.

What you will learn:
  • Pre-requisites for a successful design-stage localization
  • How to set up your integration with Figma
  • Best practices to manage your workflow across multiple teams
  • Lessons learned from a seasoned Lokalise customer, Romain Dahan from Florence App
Joe Brockbank
Senior Sales Engineer
Joe is a Senior Sales Engineer at Lokalise with over a decade of experience in the translation and localization industry, working at some of the world’s largest LSPs and localization technology providers. He has worked in London, Singapore, and now Barcelona. In his role at Lokalise, he is a product expert with industry experience who serves as a consultant for potential and current customers.
Romain Dahan
Product Manager at Florence
Romain Dahan is a seasoned Product Manager with over 6 years of experience, specialising in the healthcare sector with a focus on staffing and medical devices. His expertise lies in the localisation and global expansion of regulated healthcare products and services, having successfully overseen their adaptation for multiple regions around the world.